
a review of blogging

after using this blog as an output for my work, ideas, reviews and notations for the past month i have had some incite into why this is used as a popular medium for designers and creative practitioners.
This medium makes it extremely easy to share your feelings, thoughts, experiences, methods of work, processes of development and final creations of creative work.
The key features i found that make a successful blog are;

- simplistic design - 
using a plain or lightly detailed background image , utilising a contrasting colour for the text to make it easily legible. keeping to the left or center of the screen to keep reading natural and easy for the viewer. don't over fill the page with junk, add-ons, gadgets or advertisements as this can put the reader off looking around the blog and can take the attention away from your posts.

- explain -
explaining what you have done to create your work is majorly  important to the reader as it gives them some incite into how the product was created and how they could replicate the effects you created in your work. 

- size matters - 
keeping the text at a large enough size so that all viewers can read the posts even those that are hard of sight, this is the same with images , don't allow the detail of the work go unnoticed or the purpose of the blog is then nullified.

so overall blogging is a very useful tool to the creative practitioner and allows them to exhibit their work on a global scale from any web enabled device and allows them to give and receive feedback on their own and others creations which could allow them to evolve their work to greater extents.

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