
Restless Times Exhibition 1914 - 1945

This exhibition is located in Sheffield's Millennium Gallery until the 30-01-2011.
Here are my thoughts on some of the works displayed at the gallery;

The first piece to catch my attention in the exhibition was this poster by Edward Mcknight Kauffer, created on Paper with Lithograph.

Power... the nerve centre of London's underground

This image captured my attention through its use of bold imagery and text variations. my initial thoughts when looking at this image provoked ideas of industrialization (through the image of a factory with thick smoke clouds) and even oppression due to the image of the fist. After reading the blurb however i saw this was a promotional poster for the London underground transport system that portrays the unison of man and machine as the driving force behind the latest transport system to hit London. This is shown by the muscly arm and fist representing the power of man, and the wheel and factory building representing the power of industry/ machine connected by the wheel which represents transport.

This image conveys the emotive of power with strong, bold imagery that is all linked through the wheel (representing transport) with a sort of circuit or path (the blue line connecting all the imagery and text), this is also enhanced by the muscles portrayed on the arm and the use of the connector as the veins of the arm and the smoke of the factory.

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